HautNahOst, Frankfurt am Main, Karin Hoerler, 2003

Azad Art Gallery, Tehran/Iran, Karin Hoerler, 2022


I am German

Reading-Performance, 15 min
1st performance „The School of the Art Institute of Chicago“
Karin Hoerler 1988
My mother wore pink and no veil
at her wedding because she was pregnant with me.
In the text, which had written,
I come to terms with my being German

Lese-Performance, 15 min
UrauffĂŒhrung „The School of the Art Institute of Chicago“
Karin Hoerler,1988
Meine Mutter trug bei ihrer Hochzeit Rosa und keinen Schleier, da sie mit mir schwanger war.
In dem von mir verfassten Text setze ich mich mit meinem Deutschsein auseinander.

Performance de lecture, 15 min
premiÚre mondiale « The School of the Art Institute of Chicago »
Karin Hoerler,1988
Ma mĂšre portait du rose et pas de voile Ă  son mariage parce qu’elle Ă©tait enceinte de moi.
Dans le texte que j’ai Ă©crit, je traite de ma germanitĂ©.

I am german
I was born in Germany
My father was german
My mother was german
So am I

I grew up in Germany
I lived there for the
most part of my life
I am german
I would prefer to be french

My grandfathers were german
My grandmothers were german
My father was german
My mother was german

This is the colour of
my mothers wedding-dress
She didn’t wear white
but dusky pink because
she was pregnant with me

I am german by birth
and the sins of the fathers
will visit the seventh generation

When I was fourteen
I began to accuse my parents
that they haven’t fought
against the Nazi-Regime

Under Hitler my grandparents
had to enquier about
their ancestors
I looked at this family-book
and hoped to find
jewish blood in our family

I looked at fascism
as the result of capitalism
But wasn‘ there a relationship
to nationality too?
Wasn’t I evil by birth?
Wasn’t I evil because of
the history of my country?
Wasn’t I evil because of
my education in this country?

I didn’t read german wrigthers
except of Heine, Brecht and Böll
I didn’t sing german folksongs
I didn‘ like german sagas

When I spent my holidays
in another country
I apprecciated it when people
didn‘t take me for a german

When I was in the Soviet-Union,
in Kiev, they told us that the Germans
killed nearly the whole population
during the second world war
My father was a german soldier
He was in the Soviet-Union
He was in Kiev............................