Matrjoschka video / LED wall projection, 95 hours Karin Hoerler 2006
Matryoshka, as the Russian puppets are called – a symbol of the fact that every out- side contains an inside, which in turn could contain something more deeply hidden. The film, which was designed for 95 hours, ran for five days during the Luminale 2006 on the 100 square meter LED wall of the Klein- wort Wasserstein building in Frankfurt/Main. The simultaneity of daylight and nightlight at the real location of the LED wall attached to the exterior façade and in the film is an essential element of this projection. There are only three different views per day, these contain images of slowly changing light situations - the changing daylight and the artificial light in the evening, as well as a nightly break of five hours without projection. All these lighting situations in the film are not real, but digitally generated from a single private source photo, which shows a street scene in daylight. You can see a boy riding a bicycle, a row of streets with gray houses, garages, sky, as well as people appearing in the window or in the garden. The multi- layered artistic processing creates a very complex visual structure that gradually makes visible a system of signs inherent in things, its abstract pattern. Towards the end of the show, the supposedly real initial image has almost completely dissolved in favor of a color and form composition. Matryoshka pushes the viewer to the limits of his ability to perceive. It is impossible to see the whole, just as impossible as it is to watch a flower blossom. We can only notice that the bud has become a flower.